Monday, March 29, 2010

March Business notes

ALCQ Business Meeting January 7, 2010
A new quilters’ resource is available online for those of you who want to mix quilting with
dreams of far-away places. Check out is the site for this resource,
which combines articles by famous quilters, free patterns and downloads as well as information
on trips around the globe. The trips are all centered around quilters! Scheduled to be published
quarterly, the second issue is now available...and it’s free. It’s actually a marketing tool by the
travel agency that arranges the quilting tours, but articles are still interesting—and we always
get a magazine for the articles, right?
Quilters’ Travel Resource and Free E-zine
Business Meeting March 4, 2010
Call to order at 10:35 A.M. by vice-president Jane Ferguson. 33 members were present and one
visitor from Australia. The minutes of the last meeting stated an incorrect date for Paula Nadelstern’s
lecture. The lecture is March 18 and not March 15. Harmony Moser moved that the minutes
be accepted as corrected. Motion passed. Betty Bivins gave the treasurer’s report. A copy is
on file with the secretary.
Old Business: There was no old business.
New Business: There was no new business.
Committee Reports:
Famous Quilters: Jane Ferguson reminded members of the Mary Cesar lecture and classes to be
held April 30, May 1&2. The lecture is on Friday rather than Thursday. Harriet Shaftel has taken a
class from Mary Cesar and can give insight into her teaching style. Jane also reminded members
to please fill out the survey sheet that was in the newsletter as the committee would like to have
member input into future workshops.
Library Exhibit: Linda Postlethwait reported she has 32 quilts so far for the exhibit at the library.
Set up will be March 15.
Comfort Quilts: Rosemary Slisz reported that comfort quilts will be distributed on March 15. Members
are asked to call Rosemary if they have comfort quilts that are ready for distribution.
Teddy Bear Tea: Judy Veerman reported that there were 278 teddy bears and wannabees at this
year’s Teddy Bear Tea. This is a new record for the tea. Quilts were donated to Salvation Army
Cares for Kids, OCS, AWAIC, Clare House and to the Providence Adolescent Mental health Unit.
Retreat: Elaine Fergen reminded members that the spring retreat is May 20-23 and the committee
has started receiving registrations.
Quilt Show: The raffle quilt for the 2010 quilt show is completed and tickets will be handed out to
members after the Fiber Festival. Kay Fiero’s husband has taken pictures of the quilt which will be
available to show when selling tickets.
Newsletter: Ruthe Rasmussen is asking for someone to replace her on the newsletter committee.
She would like to become involved in other areas of the Guild.
Program: Judy Crosby reported that programs are needed for July and August.
Library: Jackie Carly passed around a Japanese quilting book that Sr. Rosaria Noguchi brought
back from Japan for the Guild library.
Linda Postlethwait stated she has a copy of the AQS magazine for members to see.
Pam Sims conducted a drawing for a free ticket to the Thursday fashion show. People attending the
workshops at the Sheraton can get parking permits.
Trailside Community Church has a small quilt group to which Guild members are invited.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Moreno, Secretary