Next she talked about Copyright Laws in regards to how they impact quilters. It was a very eye opening talk & got discussion flowing. She talked about the hypothetical quilter"Amazing Alice".
It was both entertaining & informative. What it all boiled down to though, was if you buy a pattern, they are intended for personal use. If you want to sell, display or do anything else with what you have made, you really have to shoot an email off to Amazing Alice & ask her permission.
Show & tells were as follows:
Elaine Fergen mention free patterns can be found at Marcia Hohn's webpage.
some inspiration from our own Judy Hopkins book.
Linda Postlewait made a Clothesline Basket, using this years ALCQ Guild Challenge fabric. She said directions for this can be found in the 2007 Mar/Apr issue of Fons & Porter's magazine, & probably on their website.
Delberta Trevithick showed a little St Patrick's Day Basket quilt.
Deb Hardman showed her latest quilted book covers, using things from her ABC's of Embellishment classes.