Today's business meeting was quick & concise. When the minutes are sent to me, by our new secretary Darlene Appel, they will be posted here on the Blog, to keep members more informed.
Today's Show & Tell started with Rena Brinker showing a quilt she made for her neighbor.
Harriet Shaftel had 3 patchwork bags that she will now embellish.
President Pam Harris had 2 "Fast Friday" quilts. The first theme was "Emotion",
& this 2nd one was "Rhythm & Movement".
Linda Postlewait gave this quilt named "Round About" to Irene Stewart for the Small Quilt Auction.
Kay Fiero made this quilt top at the Kenai Quilt Retreat. It was a Judy Hopkins Mystery quilt. It was also mentioned that Judy emailed Jackie Carley to let us know she has a couple of new books out, & to please ask members to do reviews on her books at
Kay also won a bunch of blocks (78 ) made by people at the retreat.
Rosemary Slisz made an Iron Cozy, for the guild.
Linda Parkhouse did this Trumpet Flower quilt. She said she started it in Hawaii after she got so sunburned she couldn't go outside any more.
Deb Hardman showed her little crazy quilt. "A Modern Romance", made for the Alliance for American Quilts.