The February Newsletter is in our e-mail boxes. I am embedding a
link here for the interview with Mary Cesar by the
Alliance for American Quilts.
ALCQ Business Meeting January 7, 2010
Call to order at 10:43 A.M. by President Pam Harris. Thirty-one members were present. Minutes of the last meeting
were corrected to read: “....exhibit of quilts at the
Loussac Library from March 16 to April 13.” The minutes were
accepted as corrected. No treasurer’s report was given.
Old Business: Linda
Postlethwait reported that the theme of the exhibit at the
Loussac Library is Celebration of Quilts.
The committee goal is to have 35 quilts made by 35 different quilters. Deadline for submitting quilts is March 4. Quilts
must be no wider than 30 inches. March 20 is National Quilt Day.
New Business: Pam Harris reported that the Fiber Festival committee has requested $100 towards a lecture by Rachel
Clark during the Fiber Festival. The Valley guild and the Eagle River guild are both contributing. The lecture will be free
and will be held at the museum. Jackie Carley moved that the Guild give the Fiber Festival committee $100 for the
Rachel Clark lecture as long as the lecture is free. The motion was seconded and passed.
Committee Reports:
Famous Quilters: Mary
Gerkin reported that registrations for the April 29-30 workshop by Hawaiian applique quilter,
Mary Caesar will be available in February.
Comfort Quilts: Rosemary
Slisz reported that the next meeting for comfort quilts is April 29. Anyone needing fabric
before then should contact a committee member.
Teddy Bear Tea: Judy (
Bearman reminded members that the Teddy Bear Tea is February 18. She has several bears
who need quilts. Last year 233 quilts and stuffed animals were donated. She sent around a sign up sheet for
helping with the event.
Newsletter: Kate Beebe reported that 42% of members responded to her survey and 75% of them would opt to
receive the newsletter by email. She stated that the newsletter will still be sent by hard copy but will no longer be
stapled as this will save considerably on the cost of the newsletter.
Quilt Show: The auction quilt for the 2011 quilt show is ready. The fabric was donated by Winnie
LaVare, Kept in
Stitches pieced it and Sheilah
Crum donated the quilting. Harmony
Moser stated that the 2010 auction quilt is
almost completed. It was announced that Harmony
Moser has been chosen as the featured quilter for the 2010 Quilt
Small Quilt Auction: Irene Stewart reminded members that her goal is 65 quilts for the 2010 small quilt auction.
• Barbara Clinton demonstrated a variety of ideas for wearable art for the quilt show and encouraged members to
think creatively about wearable art.
• Jackie Carley reported that Calendar Girls is leading the program next meeting and will be teaching different
techniques including needle felting, and the “other log cabin.”
• Marilyn Barnett reported that the Catholic Social Services Quilt, Fiber and Wearable Arts Auction is March 6, and is
in need of donations.
• Chris
Matiukas reported that both area quilt stores have sales this weekend.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Moreno, Secretary