Anchorage Log Cabin Quilters, Inc.ALCQ Business Meeting July 2, 2009
Call to Order: 10:30 am. President Pam Harris presiding. 33 members present.
Minutes from the meeting of June 4 were accepted with the following change: Delberta Trevithick should be added to the “complaints” person to be notified if members wish to register a problem or complaint to the Board.
Treasurer’s Report: Betty Bivins presented the June report; a copy of this report is on file with the Secretary.
No Old BusinessNew Business:
Annual Meeting: Motion passed to hold the annual pot luck meeting at 5:30 pm on September 24, 2009 at the First National Bank Building due to a scheduling conflict at the church.
Committee Reports:
Nominating Committee member, Kay Baehr, reported the following nominees for officers:
President: Pam Harris;
Past President: Kay Fiero;
Vice President: Jane Ferguson;
Secretary: VACANT;
Treasurer: Betty Bivins;
Members at Large: Marge McLaughlin/Jetta Brewer-Huber (day). Delberta Trevithick (night).
Newsletter. A discussion followed about the newsletter. Several members had suggestions as to the newsletter and workload. Newsletter volunteers are still needed
Workshop: Linda Parkhouse reported there are still openings in the Larkin Van Horn workshops on September 18 and 19, 2009.
Comfort Quilts: Workshop meeting on July 30, 2009 (per Rosemary Slisz).
Quilt Show: Ruthie Rasmussen and Rosemary Slisz announced that setup starts at 3:30 pm on Friday, Sept 11 with small group set up, followed by show setup at 5. Bookmarks have been printed with all the information about the show and will be put in area quilt stores and statewide. Irene has received 16 quilts for the small quilt auction. All members are encouraged to make a small quilt for the auction. The final incentive gift will be given in August. However, Irene Stewart will accept quilts until the show.
Announcements: Jackie Carley talked about the Valley Shop Hop on July 16. We will meet at 10am at the Church to receive schedules and arrange rides.
Meeting adjourned at 11:20am.
Respectfully submitted, Jackie Carley, Acting Secretary