Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year 2009

As the old year dies, I hear Bing Crosby singing in my head, the New Year song from "Holiday Inn". I love that movie.
I have spent most of the day today trying to get a new web page built for ALCQ, that is easy enough for anyone to build, add to, edit, & it's FREE. I've also started a calendar on the blog side bar to help us keep track of what's going on. If you have something you want added. Please let me know either by commenting, calling or emailing me directly at
Happy New Year to all.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Today was the annual Christmas Potluck. This was a potholder exchange for those who wanted to participate.
Different groups decorated tables, & each table had goodies for those who sat there. We had to draw numbers then the table numbers were given out for each person to find their seats.
@ tables had Hawaiian themes. It was an icky summer this year, so I think we're all feeling it. In the back ground below you can see a table piled high with stuffed animals. Members took them home today to make quilts for them. In February we will have our Teddy Bear Tea, & bring them all back with quilts to be donated to local charities.
This table had 2 table runners that went to 2 lucky people at the end, besides the individual gifts.

There were also lots of prizes & great food. It was a lot of fun!